Reclaim Your Creativity

When was the last time you used your own creativity for purely your own benefit? 

No, not as a gift.
No, not for work.
LOL NO, not for a collab.

As in, no one else even saw it?

Would you like your creativity to:
... heal your deepest wounds?
... release you from the effects of trauma?
... free you from patterns that drain your energy?
... reveal deep inner truths to you?
... connect you directly to your beloved Creator, like a form of prayer?

We are convinced from birth that our creativity doesn’t belong to us, that it in fact belongs to other people in our lives to use as a means to their ends. This can include parents, teachers, lovers, professors, employers, supervisors, and even our governments, who make demands of us to perform and produce as if this were what creativity, what life, is all about?

Your creativity is your sacred birthright.

Creative reclamation involves taking back the creative energy that is rightfully yours to use as you see fit. 

Fun, inclusive, tailored experiences with Rev April Kling Meyer and our growing team of qualified creative healing practitioners for you your group are available by contacting us at the link below to schedule a time to talk.


PLEASE NOTE: Creative Reclamation is our most powerful, most serious offering. Please only book time to talk if you feel you are ready to confront some very deep work within yourself. Otherwise, 1-on-1 or group Spiritual Counseling may be a better fit and a more affordable option for you. We can discuss this when we speak. Thanks! ~ Rev April

Copyright Creativity is Spirituality