What is Creativity?

Creativity, as we define it, is the art of Creation, and we treat it so sacredly, as if we are portals for the Divine Creation. What didn’t exist before, we make to exist.

Unfortunately, that divine urge to Create has been co-opted by all different kinds of oppressors throughout millennia to benefit themselves at your expense. We believe in offering perspectives and techniques in reclaiming Creativity as the divine birthright it is for you as an individual, for your benefit!

Through generations, a collective force of oppression-through-repression has effectively removed the joys of simple artistic expression through the commodification of talent and skill, convincing those with obvious artistic ability to auction off their abilities to the highest bidders, and convincing those with no obvious artistic ability that they are not permitted to create. We now have two types of broken artists permeating all of society: those who create for others and have no energy or time left to express themselves, and those who have been convinced they are not artists and do not feel they have the right to creativity. 

Everyone is entitled to create and make art. Everyone can benefit from the expression of emotions in collaboration with their bodies and hearts. Everyone can be a channel for spirit, and create a portal for the Divine to enter through the act of creation, regardless of their beliefs or skills. All we need is an “audience of one”– the self, and only the self, along with all of the five senses we can claim as our birthright. All else is wholly unnecessary! 

We believe in the act of making art that no one else will necessarily see, nor will just anyone witness the making-of. It is the act of removing the desire for “proper form” or “good outcome,” and thereby removing any need to make art “correctly” or “perfectly,” which in turn allows anyone to confront their own fears of criticism and rejection, freeing the flow of emotion from the body. 

In all of our offerings, we create a safe, private, encouraging environment to begin explorations of the expressive arts. Rev April Kling Meyer is certified in a number of different creative healing modalities she is eager to share with you, as are all of our partners and collaborators.

Results are powerful and immediate.

What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is your own private relationship to the Divine, the Higher Power, God, or any other name you've given to our Creator.

This relationship is holy, and wholly yours. No one else can claim ownership, authority, or sovereignty over this relationship unless you choose to give it to them. While you may share your beliefs in common with someone else, no one else is sharing your spirit, and cannot access that divine relationship you have. It is fully your responsibility to govern this relationship as you see fit. 

If you feel like the authority you may have granted to others, including religions or organizations, or even your educators, friends, or lovers, is no longer a source of joy or it requires you to be less authentic, you must begin a process of spiritual reclamation.

This can be conducted through spiritual counseling, a deep listening session conducted by Rev April Kling Meyer in which you lead the way down your own path with April as your gentle witness, allowing your journey to be only what you need it to be, and feeling safe in a sacred container created lovingly just for you.

We can also offer this to groups! Inquire here.

What is the Subconscious?

Your subconscious is a part of your mind that lovingly collects and stores all the information your senses have ever received. We at Creativity is Spirituality apply Jungian philosophy in our work to encourage encounters with the meaningfulness of symbolism and archetypes in order to deepen your creative/spiritual practice.

Your subconscious wants to be more involved in your life. It makes nightly attempts to communicate with you in your dreams and, when you are conscious, actively attempts to direct your will towards decisions that make your life richer, deeper, more meaningful, and aligned with purpose, often in spite of your own will. If you are able to unify your will with your subconscious, there is no limit to what you can accomplish in the direction of your purpose. If we truly integrate with our subconscious, we truly know ourselves and what drives us.

Here at Creativity is Spirituality, we believe much of what ails us as individuals– what trips us up, what gets in our way, what thwarts our desires– is due to a lack of awareness of the subconscious. We believe that subconscious integration is the best, the primary, maybe even the only way to unify with the will to remove the burdens we put in front of ourselves.

Not all burdens, mind you, as life has plenty obstacles to put on your path, too– this is inevitable!-- but by enabling the subconscious to play a greater role in our conscious lives, you will see results that seem miraculous, which are really the removal of all that you put in your own way by not clarifying your own vision and not healing your past wounds.

We believe this is true on a collective level as well. We believe much of what has caused wide scale suffering, namely oppression, is caused by a lack of subconscious integration among historical and current leadership. We believe that the path to true leadership, and to any future leadership, can only be obtained through subconscious integration. Those who do not seek unification of their will with the subconscious will be thwarted by ethical conundrums, and make poor choices that subvert the will of the collective good. Those who make an effort to stay grounded in subconscious unification with the will will have clarity of purpose and unshakeable vision, and will more likely direct the collective towards the wellness and prosperity of all.

The most universal and accessible way to practice unification with the subconscious is through dreamwork.

What is Dreamwork?

Dreamwork is the art of remembering, recording, sharing, delivering, journaling, and interpreting your dreams into actionable steps that affect your conscious waking life.

How can I make a difference in my life or in the world through my creativity and/or spirituality?

We at Creativity is Spirituality don’t see any other way, but we do see a lot of attempts to direct responsibility and blame for all levels of dissatisfaction at anyone, everyone other than the true self, as well as where that has gotten us as a collective– excessive cycles of despair and oppression. While it is very true that life and the world is full of obstacles we cannot help but find upon our path, you have the sole responsibility to encounter those obstacles with your own set of tools and your own collected wisdom. You can even convert obstacles into tools if you are willing to accept them as gifts! The best wisdom and most effective tools will clear your path, but they are unobtainable by putting them only into the hands that willingly receive them. To blame others for our own inability to accept responsibility is to hand our own tools over to someone who doesn’t want them, and will either discard them or worse, use them against you.

To accept responsibility is to graciously accept everything as a precious gift. It isn’t a given, nor is it always easy, so that’s why we’re here to help you accept your own tools and wisdom, and we are always merely revealing to you that you’ve had them all along.

How can I be a Creativity is Spirituality partner?

At the present time, all partners within the Creativity is Spirituality framework are intimate collaborators with Reverend April Kling Meyer. 

To begin a conversation that might lead to collaboration with our founder, and engage with her work more deeply, we recommend that you listen to our podcast and follow our social media channels as well as Rev April's first.

If you're already doing that, book time to talk to open the conversation. Over time, we can build mutual trust that can lead to conscious collaboration, if that's what you want.

However, if you are simply looking to sell your programs to us or convince us to sell your programs for you, we are not in the business of doing so. Please do not approach us with such offers or solicitations.

Copyright Creativity is Spirituality